Valentine's Day Luxe Wrapped Bouquet


Our Luxe Wrapped Bouquet is a lush, hand-tied arrangement brimming with romance and elegance. Featuring premium blooms like velvety roses and delicate ranunculus, each bouquet is thoughtfully curated with textural greenery for a modern, organic feel.

Wrapped in soft, sustainable kraft paper and tied with an elegant ribbon, this bouquet is a statement of timeless beauty, perfect for that special someone.

Pre-order now for Valentine’s Day pickup or delivery and make the day unforgettable.

*Please note that the design may vary slightly from the image shown based on product availability. However, the color palette and overall style will closely match the look and feel of the pictured bouquet.

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Our Luxe Wrapped Bouquet is a lush, hand-tied arrangement brimming with romance and elegance. Featuring premium blooms like velvety roses and delicate ranunculus, each bouquet is thoughtfully curated with textural greenery for a modern, organic feel.

Wrapped in soft, sustainable kraft paper and tied with an elegant ribbon, this bouquet is a statement of timeless beauty, perfect for that special someone.

Pre-order now for Valentine’s Day pickup or delivery and make the day unforgettable.

*Please note that the design may vary slightly from the image shown based on product availability. However, the color palette and overall style will closely match the look and feel of the pictured bouquet.

2025 Summer Flower Subscription (4 or 6 bouquets)
Subscription Option:
2025 Full Season Flower Subscriptions (6 or 12 bouquets)

Our Luxe Wrapped Bouquet is a lush, hand-tied arrangement brimming with romance and elegance. Featuring premium blooms like velvety roses and delicate ranunculus, each bouquet is thoughtfully curated with textural greenery for a modern, organic feel.

Wrapped in soft, sustainable kraft paper and tied with an elegant ribbon, this bouquet is a statement of timeless beauty, perfect for that special someone.

Pre-order now for Valentine’s Day pickup or delivery and make the day unforgettable.

*Please note that the design may vary slightly from the image shown based on product availability. However, the color palette and overall style will closely match the look and feel of the pictured bouquet.